Cocktail and spirits to watch
The surgence of the industry in africa is great to watch it take its pace event though it is slow the progress is encouraging.This below is perhaps what we need to look forward to.
Spirits production on the rise
As the consumers get more and more spending power it has seen the spirits industry generate and produce craft spirits.Gin ,grappa and brandy are making a major come back with local producers highlighting regional influences . If you observe the top African countries we have seen craft gin in south africa that is leading the park of craft gin that is exceptional.Taking a tour to Triple three and wilderer distillery and observing the production is quite fascinating.While this is encouraging the market demand of luxury whisky has been the most competitive market leaving local whisky production in very small numbers .Perhaps this is explained by the focus on marketing strategies that are plied by international suppliers in the market.The consumers have been pumped with so much whisky that any regular consumer could averagely tell you five brand global whiskys easily.
However the rum and tequila market which has been sidelined for sometime is starting to pick up as more and more millennial seek out different expressions of themselves with cocktail culture slowly growing.What is encouraging for the rum and tequila market is that as it begins to pick up as it is doing now more bars will start to shift to proper balance of there spirits and cocktail culture.This is been lead by consumers who are seeking for better experiences other than what was there before.
cocktail culture
As the desire for craft begins to shape up and it heavily been affected by premiumisation what is great to see is how the culture is growing rapidly in Africa.Take at Ghana for example the men and women behind the bar such as Tapetheo and Eben not forgetting Johnson who just recently won the BarMan tv show are on the fore front of awesome and great cocktails and the culture of growing and training other bartenders in there region through the bartenders guild in credit eben follow him here

tapetheo team repping
In Kenya as well we are seen more and more bartenders come through with proper training from the likes of legends like Paul Ogunde and Umeme just to say a few.The constant Support that the bar team is also getting from the companies is encouraging .
paul and team undergoing whisky training
Just recently William and Grant team gave training to bartenders on there portfolio of Glenfiddich and Hendricks Gin.The exposure of such effective training is not to be forgotten as the team lead by Kariuki Mukii is doing an exceptional job.The bartenders are now able to not only understand product but how to serve and use them in cocktails.It is only matter of time we see what they are up to next perhaps who knows there space. below glenfiddich training
Bacardi not to be left behind started the first of its kind the Bacardi varsity program.Having witnessed firsthand the experience of been in the pioneer class that is lead by Samia Joan you bet that the bartenders are experiencing the true testament of the Bacardi Company.The fact that the class is been lead by not only a top ambassador,friend and colleague she has encouraged more women to start taking this industry seriously.The effective training not forgetting the exams is paving the way for better training for bartenders.It is only a matter of time that we shall start see this delivering the effective competition and growth.The students in the class as well are by far have become my new family.Though we are different in our preferences our constant challenging and testing each other is keeping each other on our feet.
student betty presenting a cocktail
Gruppo Campari led by there brand ambassador Kingkline Ojal have not been left behind in pushing for the training of there brand portfolio .There approach to training especially around digestifs Campari and Aperol is impressive and has equally been received well.
kingkline doing a training
follow more of this on at kingkline Ojal
William Ochanda from the Famous grouse team also has started famous whisky academy what will also continue the growth of there brand as well.It is on this that i am encouraged to share and experience different avenues of such leaders that am able to push forward in pushing for more training in rum that is my passion.
willie on the left ,eddie whisky guru and me in the centre .
As everyone takes up the challenge to grow the different categories while partnering and encouraging each other is by far what is needed to grow the industry.
my first students training last year
Down in south Africa the team is making me happy to see my friends and colleagues shine as well.It gives me joy to see Cassandra been part of running the European bar school ,Stephanie run the beyond the bars that is gearing track.On there tracks Aj snetler ,Julian Short and Marson Strydom pushing with there brilliant sessions of cocktails and brand training .
photo credit :cassandra daniele
aj snetler friend and great bar man
legend marson strydom
This would not have been possible without the industry elders who came before us who inspired and encouraged us.It would not be possible to mention all of them but to all of them this is to say a big thank you for all that you have done.This is not in vain that you do this .Africa is on the rise and to all my brothers and sisters thank you for all you do behind the bar everyday.
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